this weekend

We're back at home, winding down after a half-sad, half-wonderful weekend.  Yesterday morning my family and I attended the memorial service of my best friend's mama, and it was so hard, but also such a beautiful tribute to an amazing woman, wife and mother.  It was difficult to see my friend in so much pain, but I know it was really helpful to have so many loving faces surrounding her.  Any time someone close to you or someone you love passes away it's always hard to see the meaning in all of it- why people have to go through pain or suffering, why we have to lose the ones we care so much about.  To hear my sweet sister of a friend speak about her mother today was so moving, and made me think about life and time and so many things that we don't always keep in the forefront of our minds day after day.

Afterward we went to Green for lunch and ran into some friends, then headed back to my parents' so Hank and my Dad could go to the Cardinals game. We have season tickets this year (great seats!) so it was fun for the guys to go do that and have some "manly" time. ha. My Mom and I stayed behind and watched a lot of reality television and ate a Kashi Greek pizza. Perfect night.

This morning we woke up bright and early to do some laps at the pool and then went on our usual Sunday morning trek to breakfast and food shopping. When we're at my parents' we always do what they do- which is Starbucks, Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Sometimes Costco and sometimes Whole Foods. I'm kind of weird and really, really love food shopping so it works. Afterward we went over to the Loops' so Henry and I could hang out with his Auntie Autumn and the kiddos, and Hank and Jason could go down the street to a sports bar and do their fantasy draft. Have I mentioned that my hubby is sports obsessed? And I have I mentioned that he is on FIVE fantasy teams? Yup. Insanity. 

Now we're back home, the little one is asleep, and I'm gearing up for a busy week. I hope you all have a great Monday!

our weekend

above: scarves makes even lazy days prettier; puppy/baby cuddles; IKEA; 7am and a peaceful pool; post-swim; sister sister; getting ready to lighten my hair; Autumn; my handsome frozen yogurt date.

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