And today is a good day already too. It's football all day in our house, and I'm looking forward to having friends over and eating good food. Typical Sunday in our house. Whatever you do, I hope it's a good one too! Here are some photos from our day - enjoy.
Arizona Best Fest!
Yesterday we headed downtown to celebrate the start of Arizona's Centennial celebration, Best Fest! It was the most perfect day - 70 degrees with a slight breeze- and as the day went on and cardigans and hoodies made their appearance, I couldn't help but send a little thank you to Mother Nature for this glorious Autumn weather. Our little town was chock full of people, the roads were blocked off for parties, food tastings, and wine tents, and there was something to do on every corner. The Old West and historic Arizona were the main focuses in most areas of the celebration, and we had everything from a mechanical bull to reenactments of old-time shootouts. It was really, really awesome. We walked all over and ended up grabbing dinner at Taj Mahal- best Indian food in town. Henry had a blast too, and even though we pushed him hours past his bedtime, he watched the people, and eventually the fireworks, with such adorable wide eyes. It was a great evening, and we ended it at the Moline's talking around their firepit and looking up at the stars. I went to bed last night with a truly thankful heart. And I kind of needed a day like yesterday- I had a rough start to the day and was feeling pretty down...but by the end of our night I was in great spirits. That's what being surrounded by good people does to you. So thankful.
And today is a good day already too. It's football all day in our house, and I'm looking forward to having friends over and eating good food. Typical Sunday in our house. Whatever you do, I hope it's a good one too! Here are some photos from our day - enjoy.
And today is a good day already too. It's football all day in our house, and I'm looking forward to having friends over and eating good food. Typical Sunday in our house. Whatever you do, I hope it's a good one too! Here are some photos from our day - enjoy.
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