Nothing is better...
I'm not really sure what it is, but as soon as October rolls around I'm filled with this feeling. I can't even put my finger on it, but it's part happiness, part inspiration...and part everything feeling so new.
Seven years ago in October I went up to visit Hank for the first time. I'll never forget what it was like seeing what I now call "my town" with fresh eyes that Autumn. I thought it was the most charming place I'd ever visited; the downtown square was covered by leaves in every color, and the crisp, just cold-enough air made it possible for me to wear the winter clothes I'd tucked away since college. That fall was the best of my life up until that point, and I can still remember that feeling of "new" as I explored this new place, met new people, and most of all, started this new chapter in my life with this new guy. I found myself up there so often that first fall, and these were the months I fell in love for the first time. Hank and I would take long walks and stop for tea and coffee, drive around at night with the windows down and the heater up, listening to music. We'd rent movies late at night, then rush home to watch them while eating ice cream in bed with socks on, half watching and half talking the whole time. The Weakerthans "Everything Must Go" will forever remind me of that fall- it was the alarm music we'd wake up to on those chilly mornings and I'd try to make him stay in bed for just one more minute before he had to go to work.
Fall was always my most favorite season growing up too. Halloween was a big deal in our house, and my sister and I lived for the decorations and all things spooky. We'd trick-or-treat with our friends through the biggest development in town, using pillow cases for treat bags so we could fit all of the candy. I'd barter my Reese's for as many Snickers as I could collect, and we'd always get stomachaches that first night. My Dad would make real scarecrows for the front yard, we'd fill pumpkin bags up with leaves, and we'd draw pictures on the windows with our fingers when that first fall frost arrived in the early morning. It was magical.
And some of that magic still exists now. My childhood memories, paired with that Autumn I fell in love, make up the basis for what is my most beloved time of the year. And now with Henry I have yet another reason to get excited. Nothing is better than seeing things through the eyes of a child, and I feel so lucky that this year we'll be able to do just that. I'm looking forward to making memories and starting traditions with our little guy- everything from pumpkin picking to trick or treating, costumes and candy.
This morning as I got ready I looked outside and saw the pumpkins on our front porch. I noticed the weather was a little colder than yesterday, and realized it will be a little colder tomorrow too. This weekend we'll get taking Henry to the pumpkin patch for the first time, and we'll go on a hay ride around the farm. Fall is absolutely here, and I couldn't be happier.
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