Sam Means & Christmas All Over Again

Hello and happy Thursday everyone! Today is a great day for a couple of reasons- one, it's almost the weekend. And two, I have something really awesome to share with all of you today.  One of my friends/favorite people in the world Anita has a super-talented husband named Sam. Sam Means is a musician that you all might know from his old band, The Format, but nowadays you can find him working on a lot of other, very awesome projects, including the song I'm sharing with you today. And even cooler? Sam has generously decided to donate all proceeds from this project to two charities, one of them being Kristin and her work feeding the children in India, that I posted about last week.

Give the song a listen below, and then if you like it (I know you will!), purchase it for just 99 cents. Your donation will go straight to the two charities Sam's selected, and you'll get to download a fantastic song to get you into the holiday spirit. And if you read the post I linked above, you know it costs about 25 cents to feed one meal to a child. So when you buy the song you're essentially providing the resources for two meals.

"Christmas All Over Again" was originally written and performed by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. It was featured on the second "A Very Special Christmas" CD to benefit Special Olympics, and Petty generously donated the royalties to the song to the organization. Since its release in 1992, the song has raised more than $200,000 to benefit athletes with intellectual disabilities.

To purchase Sam's cover of "Christmas All Over Again," click the player above or go to:

All donations from this version will be donated to the Animal Welfare League & Asha Guwahati.

Feel free to share this post with others, and thank you again for making a difference! xo

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