Tattoo Tuesday V.123

Name and blog name:  Ashley at, I blog with my boyfriend, Daniel.
Age: 19
Occupation: Graphic Designer/Legal Assistant
Age of first tattoo: 18
Favorite tattoo: Oh my! I have to pick! I love both of them!
Featured tattoo/location:  My bluebird and pocket watch on my right thigh
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Dennis Sullivan in Clarksville, TN. I will only ever go to him!

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story about why you chose it, or maybe a special meaning? 

Well, my first tattoo was the bluebird on my right thigh. It doesn’t have any significant meaning, like all of my tattoos thus far, but the bluebird is my favorite bird and the pocket watch depicts what time I was born. (Just a cool detail I thought was great to add to the pocket watch.)

2) Do you have any other tattoos?  If so, what do you have and where? (photos of each one are awesome)

I do! I have three red/pinkish carnations on my upper arm. Carnations are some of my favorite flowers.

3) Do you plan on getting more?

It is very possible! I currently work in a profession where there is little room for escape from the usual stereotypes associated with tattoos, so I have to be careful and cover up when necessary. But, I am going to school to finish my graphic design degree, so I won't be a legal assistant forever!

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoos?  Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?

My mother and her side of the family LOVE my tattoos.  My father and his side, however, despise the idea of them.  They just tolerate them nicely, I guess you could say. Daniel's family also doesn't really like them, but fortunately, they are still very open and accepting of me one day marrying their son. Daniel loves my tattoos as well, and is even thinking about getting a few.

5) What's the most interesting experience you've ever had in regards to your tattoos?

I haven't really had any weird experiences other than people want to touch my tattoos to see what they feel like. I also hear, “you don't seem like someone who would have tattoos at all.”

6) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

Upon first receiving the tattoo on my upper arm, a had a guy in my 3D Design class make a really, really hurtful comment about my tattoo. I had to leave the room, and I cried and cried wondering why in the world someone could be so cruel!

Before I went back to the design room, I was trying to figure how I should receive his comment. Although it was extremely hurtful, and had no other intention than bringing down another human being, it is very important to remember people with tattoos can be just as cruel when getting defensive about the art on their bodies. Someone with a tattoo can easily fill the stereotype “people with tattoos are aggressive because there are a biker or went to jail”  that is commonly associated with tattoos by the way they react to people's negativity. I believe it is better to take a comment, or what ever it may be, with a grain of salt, continue to be nice to such a hurtful person not matter how hard. Break that stereotype, because most people with a tattoos nowadays hardly fit such a mold!

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