Guest Post: Amber Joy from Until Tomorrow
Hey Sometimes Sweet readers! Amber here, from Until Tomorrow. I am so excited to FINALLY do a guest post regarding this crazy beast of a thigh tattoo that some of you have asked Danielle about! Let me start off by saying I am 24, this is my very first tattoo and I am incredibly glad that I waited! Although I am still very young, I feel that I know myself a lot better then I did at get the point. I also know exactly what I want to do in life, because even though our society is becoming much more tattoo friendly, let's be real, people judge based on preconceived notions of tattooed folks.
I have been around and befriended by both moderately and heavily tattooed individuals and each one has given me their own little piece of the tattoo secret, but the best advice was most definitely given by Mrs. Hampton herself! Don't start off visible, especially if you're like me and don't respond so well to old lady jibes, being touched by strangers and/or hearing people's tattoo life stories (ugh)! Start with a piece somewhere where you can choose if another person sees it and get your feet wet every now and again..then tattoo your face....jussstttt kiiidddiiinngggg. Also, if people tell you a tattoo doesn't hurt...ask them how Gepetto is doing, because they're lying to you. Granted, some places hurt more than others (back of your thigh for one), but it all hurts to some extent. I mean think of the process...OUCH.
One of the hardest parts of the (large) tattoo territory for me has been the session situation. The line work was a 4.5 hr sitting and now just a piece of the framework and some shading took 3 hrs. I was under the impression that this was going to take just a mere two sessions and then TADA tattoo! Not the case. My artist informed me that I probably have another 6-7 hrs to go...oh ,discouraged! Once I had moved through the major disappointment I was seriously overcome with such gratitude. The guy really cares and isn't half-assing anything. Good artist who takes care and time = a good tattoo worth your care and time!
Last but not least here are a few things that got me through the process and pain:
1. EAT and eat well i.e protein, carbs and some healthy sugars. Even if you are nervous and think you might throw up.
2. When it hurts concentrate on breathing. Yoga style. Totally works and I don't budge an inch (I was told I sit like an angel)!
3. If you watch it actually becomes really intriguing and really takes your mind off what is actually happening.
4. If your BFF is a new mommy...BRING HER, because if you aren't discussing breast milk and mangoes while you're under the needle you aren't really living!
amber joy,
guest post
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