Sakura Bloom Styleathon: Round 2
Before I participated in the Sakura Bloom Styleathon I would see women wearing their babies and think how neat it looked, but I'd also think about how I was so certain that that style of mothering wasn't for me. Sure, I enjoyed putting Henry in one of the various carriers we owned, but he never seemed to truly enjoy it, and I found them to be cumbersome and difficult to use on my own. When I agreed to take part in the Styleathon, I was hesitant and nervous. I couldn't imagine my oh-so active Henry wanting to be to toted around in a a piece of fabric. When my first sling arrived I was still intimidated, so I left it in the box, next to my nightstand. One day though, my sense of adventure got the best of me, and I decided to try it out.
Now, there is a distinct divide between "before babywearing," and "after." Henry and I spend a lot of time out and about, and to be able to have him with me, near me, on me, has provided so much more of a connection than I could have ever imagined. Simply put; babywearing makes our lives infinitely better. I find myself wearing Henry around the house or buying groceries, running errands and walking around the neighborhood; while cleaning, organizing and planning; through mornings and afternoons.
What started as a convenience has turned into a lifestyle, and now, I can't imagine my day without wearing Henry. It's beyond just making life easier- it makes life more enjoyable. I feel closer to my son and somehow even more connected than I did before. I think back through this adventure of motherhood, and I think about how quickly it's been flashing before our's too fast, and I want to hold onto every moment of it, every precious second with our son. Wearing Henry allows me to do that a little more, and in those moments when it's just mama and baby, time slows down just a bit, and our two hearts are one, just for awhile.
Mama is wearing:
Simple Linen sling in Storm: c/o Sakura Bloom
Sleeveless Shirt Dress: c/o Lilla P.
red flats: Target
Baby is wearing:
striped shirt: c/o Tea Collection
black pants: Baby Gap
sakura bloom styleathon
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