San Francisco

What a weekend! I'm trying to totally ignore the fact that the last half-day of our trip and traveling home was filled with the worst food poisoning in the world and just focus on all of the good parts. Because there were a ton! I feel really grateful that we were able to spend some time on a mini-vacation and as always, Hank and I had the best time together. We missed Henry likes crazy but it was good to have some "us" time, and sometimes shaking up your scenery is just what you need to make home feel even better than it does. And as much as I enjoy time away, there is nothing like coming back to our little town. I could never, ever live in a big city. I'm more than happy to visit, but give me my 35 mph roads and restaurants where the servers know what we order.  I'm a small-town girl all the way.

But like I said above, our big-city visit was fantastic. Our dear friend Alex hosted us and showed us around his city, and pulled out all the stops. We ate wonderful food (minus the food-poisoned vegan tacos at Gracias Madre- yuck!) and I stuck to my no-sugar plan. Hank got fulfill one of his childhood dreams and spent some time with "the man" George Lucas and nerd out at Lucasfilm. We facetimed with Alex's adorable girlfriend, met his lovely friends, tasted some of the most delicious Gouda of my life, and strolled through the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. We attended the Super7 art show on Saturday evening, and I got to do a few things I've always wanted to do while in SF, including visiting the Full House hill and taking photos in front of the Golden Gate bridge. And if you were ever curious about the type of girl I really am, just know that yes, I did YouTube the Full House intro so we could listen to it during our picnic.

It's weekends like these that I am incredibly grateful to be married to my best friend. Hank is without a doubt my most favorite travel partner, co-adventurer, and person to share new experiences with. He also put up with my wretchedly-sick self all the way home on our return flight. So as Andy Cohen would say, "Mazel, Hank!"

Here are some photos from our trip- and thank you again Alex for making our visit so enjoyable. We love you!

San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
Picnik collage1
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
Picnik collage5
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
Picnik collage3
San Francisco, January 2012
Picnik collage2
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012
San Francisco, January 2012

Tattoo Tuesday V.107

Name and blog name: John O'Hagan -The Golden Rule Tattoo and PhxJohn on Instagram...Closest thing I have to a blog haha.

editor's note: fun fact- John was actually the person who took me to get my first tattoo almost ten years ago! I have him to thank for "showing me the ropes," and giving great advice that resulted in me taking my time and choosing really wonderful artists. It's pretty neat to feature him here after all of these years!

Age: 29 (ugh, when did that happen?)

Occupation: Historic and Mid Century Modern Home Specialist - Twins And Company Realty: A boutique real estate brokerage.
Co-Owner - Maxwell and O'Hagan Group: We buy historic/MCM houses, and renovate them in a period appropriate style.
Co-Owner - Golden Rule Tattoo: Customer service focused tattoo shop in Downtown Phoenix AZ.

Age of first tattoo: 18

Favorite tattoo: My arms probably. I loved the look of full sleeves when I was a kid. A lot less people were tattooed back then and when I saw someone with full sleeves it was really visually impacting for me. I always wanted that look.

Artist/shop/location of featured tattoo: Severed Geisha head and snake on my left thigh. Chris Lain - Pinnacle Tattoo- Corpus Christi, TX

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo.

I was in a band in the early 2000's and we were on tour and had a date in Corpus Christi. There was a shop next to the venue we were playing so we went over to check it out. Honestly most of the time on tour you are just killing time. I saw Chris' book and was blown away. I had never heard of him before, and I'm pretty into the style of tattooing he does. I chatted with him for a while and he was super nice. I won't get tattooed by pretentious tattoo dorks no matter how good they are. I want the experience to be solid all around. Anyways, I wanted to get something quick by him but he was setting up for an appointment and couldn't squeeze me in.
I kept trying to book another trip out that way to get in with him, but life kept getting in the way. A few years later, while I was at Immaculate Tattoo getting tattooed by Coleman he said there was a guest artist coming through in a couple months whose style I would love, and it was Chris! So we started this piece on my thigh and after a couple more visits finished it up.

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where? 

I have full sleeves done by Aaron Coleman. My leg from the knee down was done by Jason K that used to work at Immaculate as well. I've been tattooed by a bunch of different people randomly here and there. Aaron is working on my torso/bodysuit right now, slowly... haha.





3) Do you plan on getting more? 

Yep. I'd like to be fully covered wrist to ankle, I'm on my way I suppose. I'm considering my hands when the timing is appropriate career-wise . But since I'm built stocky, I probably won't tattoo my neck ever.

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? 

My Mom used to cry when I'd come home with a new tattoo. Now she thinks they are pretty. My Dad was always cool about it. They both just wanted to make sure I didn't get dumb tattoos that would prevent or limit me from future career choices. That was smart of them to consider, and thankfully I listened to them. In my daily career of dealing with buyers and sellers in real estate, it's nice to be able to cover up and not have to deal with reactions to my tattoos.

Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them?

Sure. I get glared at in public sometimes, or ignored by staff at high end stores. Especially when shopping for high end fixtures for properties I'm flipping for some reason? As if I having tattoos means I don't have the money to buy nice door hardware or shower fixtures haha. But once they realize I know what I'm talking about and that my tattoos are really nice, not jailhouse garbage they relax and treat me well.
In general I try and stay covered up in public just to avoid questions and being hassled when I'm on task.
When I was a bartender it was a constant source of annoyance for me. People trying to talk to me about them, ask me how much I payed for them, telling me they don't like them or calling me "tat guy" to try and get my attention when the bar was busy.

I've been into Yoga for a couple years, and I get a lot of weird looks when I go into a new class or new school. the mat space next to me is always the last one to get filled. I've been called out by instructors in front of the class before too, on some " why would you do that to your body" type stuff. It seems to be one of the most conservative spaces for acceptance of heavily tattooed people that I've run into. Seems strange since of all the open minded hippy bullshit they spew while I'm just trying to get more flexible.

John's pet piggy, Emma! See her tribute tattoo above. :)

Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos? 

My ex wife was heavily tattooed, but wasn't when we started dating.
I've dated really heavily tattooed girls, and more recently more girls that have either no tattoos or like one small one.
I don't have a preference honestly. I like good tattoos, but bad tattoos are a turn off for me. No tattoos is fine by me. I'm not into the social side of the tattoo industry, I just simply like the aesthetic.

5) What's the most interesting experience you've ever had in regards to your tattoos? 

I mostly remember confrontations. Most of my tattooing experiences have been really pretty typical.
People touching me really doesn't work well for them. Other than that, I am fine with people staring. I don't mind a couple questions but I don't like getting sucked into weird conversations with strangers for any reason, especially not tattoo related.

6) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet? 

Do your research. When I was trying to figure out who I wanted to tattoo when I was younger I read an article in a tattoo magazine and it was an interview by Chris Trevino and in it he said " Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve" and that always stuck with me. If you just walk into a random shop and get a bad tattoo, it's your bad. If you do your research and find an artist you like and are comfortable with, then you'll have a great experience. Either way, it's your experience to own and you get to/have to live with the consequences.

Clean-Eating Challenge!


My plan was to post this last night when I got home from San Francisco but guess who came down with an awful case of food poisoning? Yup. This girl. I've never had food poisoning before and it's just as awful as I thought it would be. I'm finally feeling a little better today at 2pm Arizona time, but it was a horrible plane ride home and a rough night. However, the trip was great (more on that tomorrow) and I refuse to let the second half of Sunday and today change that! :)

With that's Monday! I'll reference you back to the original post for details, meal ideas, and more specifics, and be sure to link up below so we can all visit each other's blogs!

Remember, you don't have to get crazy; small changes are great as well, so if you want to join in but in your own way, do it! This is all about getting healthy, so any way you get there is awesome.

Also don't forget to label all of your tweets with #SScleaneating and feel free to send me updates to @danihampton. If you end up posting recipes, send me the link via Twitter with the hashtag so everyone can check it out too! And if you're "new" to twitter, all of you have to do is click the hashtag to see all the tweets grouped within it.

Good luck, and here's to a week of health!

Lessons from Henry

By nature I'm a bit of a multi-tasker. A rusher. A to-do list checker. I often find myself trying to get more than one thing done at a once, manage my time efficiently, and make it so at the end of the day I can sit back and say to myself, "yes, I've done it all" (note: this rarely happens).

This isn't always a good thing though, and in the past I've found myself so focused on "what's next" that I failed to notice everything that was right in front of me. Having a child made me realize this more than ever. I see the way Henry takes it all in; to him the whole world is new and exciting. A sunset is not just a sunset- his eyes widen at all of the beautiful colors in our Arizona sky. On our walks he's looking all around. Everything is interesting- the ducks in the pond, the way the water shimmers in the sun, the sound of a plane as it flies by.

Thanks to Henry I'm reminded everyday to take a step back and appreciate the small beauties in life, rather than rushing by them to get to the next thing.  Just the other night I looked outside to see Hank and Henry, looking up at the moon in the backyard. They stood there in perfect silence, Henry pointing upward, and I thought about how lucky we are to have this little person in our life to remind us to enjoy all of these often overlooked moments.

a Saturday playlist

I thought I'd share a playlist this morning, full of pretty music and happy sounds. I hope all of you make the most of your day and take a little time out to do something special for you! Enjoy! xo

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