New Year's Weekend

Oh, Arizona!  After a bit of a rough morning we decided to spend Saturday afternoon at the park in my parents' neighborhood to cheer up a bit. It was a beautiful day- 77 degrees and sunny. What a New Years' Eve, right? It was a lot of fun watching Abe and Hank throw the football around (the photo of them makes me laugh) and Henry enjoyed playing in the grass since most of it up north at our house is dead due to the freezing winter conditions. I love that you can drive a short two hours one way and be in snow, and turn right around the other way and head towards heat. Pretty cool.

We spent the rest of our New Year's laying low, eating and laughing. It was the perfect way to ring in 2012! We're currently dealing with some family stuff- my Grandma isn't doing too well- so being together was great. Plus, Henry brings a smile to everyone's face. I was so tempted to wake him up at midnight for a little smooch but my responsible side won out.

Whatever you did, I hope you had the happiest of New Year's Eves! Here's to a great 2012. 

New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk
New Years Eve 2012/Family Walk

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