Clean-Eating Challenge!


My plan was to post this last night when I got home from San Francisco but guess who came down with an awful case of food poisoning? Yup. This girl. I've never had food poisoning before and it's just as awful as I thought it would be. I'm finally feeling a little better today at 2pm Arizona time, but it was a horrible plane ride home and a rough night. However, the trip was great (more on that tomorrow) and I refuse to let the second half of Sunday and today change that! :)

With that's Monday! I'll reference you back to the original post for details, meal ideas, and more specifics, and be sure to link up below so we can all visit each other's blogs!

Remember, you don't have to get crazy; small changes are great as well, so if you want to join in but in your own way, do it! This is all about getting healthy, so any way you get there is awesome.

Also don't forget to label all of your tweets with #SScleaneating and feel free to send me updates to @danihampton. If you end up posting recipes, send me the link via Twitter with the hashtag so everyone can check it out too! And if you're "new" to twitter, all of you have to do is click the hashtag to see all the tweets grouped within it.

Good luck, and here's to a week of health!

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